Spear Brothers Timeline

Old House - George and Bessie Sims purchased this property in 1919 and later added five children and other modern conveniences such as indoor plumbing, sleeping porches and air conditioning (i.e., vines on West side of house).

Children & Dog - Ellie is all smiles as she ponders a future in oil & gas. From left: Leo, about nine; Pat, about two, Bess, about four; Ellie, about six. (“Sparkplug” the dog, age unknown)

Children on Burro - Pat and Winnie on the burro the five neighbor children rode to White School every day. (In her later years, Winnie preferred a Cadillac).

Coyote Hides - Pat and Leo pose with 2nd cousin Bill Prichard and four coyote hides trapped by Leo. Girls trapped in car from left: Bess, Winnie and Ellie.

Winnie and piglets - Winnie feeding her “children”. (This memory would later resurface at summertime in the 1970’s as Winnie provided rations to the teenage Spear boys working the ranch)

Sisters in Blood and Oil - Winnie, Bess and Ellie Sims. The earliest documented resolution of a property dispute between the Sims sisters foretells the shrewd business acumen they will someday be known for.

Family Photo - Howell and Ellie Spear pose with their collection of boys (from left) Nelson, Jonathan, Rex and Shane. Shane and Nelson would later recall the parental restraints shown in this picture were their earliest indication of how it feels to be force pooled.

Brothers in Arms - From very young ages, Shane and Nelson begin to network with recognized power brokers (“May I have $100 oil …and a football?”).

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